Dr. Naila Siddiqui Kamal is a Fellow of the United Kingdom Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. She has been clinically active in the National Health Service for 28 years, currently in her sub-specialty of ambulatory gynaecological cancer. Naila’s advanced degrees include a master’s in medical education from Imperial College London and a certificate in patient safety, quality, informatics and leadership from Harvard University. Her senior positions have included Associate Dean at London Deanery, National Lead RCOG, and Co-opt Member of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges education committee. She is Associate Director of Medical Education at her Trust and Senior (Hon) Lecturer at Imperial School of Medicine. She holds inventor status at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust for her work in developing an interactive learning resource using animations. Naila is an award-winning teacher and speaker on disruptive technologies and their place in futuristic healthcare. She was invited recently to Chair a session on digital health Ecosystems at the United Nations World Summit in Information technology.